
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sticking to New Years Resolutions

So it's now 2013 and as usual people are making a list of new year resolutions. I am no different, and working towards achieving goals that will improve my life. I have always had trouble actually going through with my new years resolutions, but this year I feel will be different because I have someone to make sure I stay motivated. My boyfriend and I listed to each other our goals and this year we are going to make sure the others sticks with there plans.  ( ´∀`)

Having someone to keep you in check is always a good way to make sure you get through your resolutions whether its your boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend, close friend, roommate, or family! Having someone keep an eye on you tends to make you work harder to make the other proud, and it is also a great way to have someone comfort you when reaching those goals gets tough.

When planning my new years resolutions I tend split 50/50 between realistic goals and harder to achieve goals. Realistic goals keep me confident in my abilities while harder to achieve goals make me work harder. My goals for this year are:

Becoming Healthier

Yes, yes, I know so typical, but it is also a realistic goal. I'm in college so a healthy lifestyle is not exactly easy. o(╥﹏╥)o

Good-bye McDonald Chicken Nuggets, I'll miss you~

To start this goal I'm going to eat out less and start working out regularly. One of my favorite ways to workout it core power yoga because relaxes while being beneficial for the body (great for high anxiety individuals such as myself). If you search "yoga for weight loss" on YouTube you should come across plenty of 20-30 yoga workout segments that I think are great! You can do them in the comfort of your home and go at your own pace ( ^∇^)!

Writing on my Blog More

I will continue working on this blog, and try my best to improve it and update it often with more fashion and make-up post! I know I've been gone for a while, and I am going to work to make sure it doesn't happen again :) I'm also going to try to be more involved in the blogging community and maybe even start making YouTube videos!

Control the Shopping and Save Money!

This is a pretty hard goal for me considering I'm completely addicted to shopping, but I will try my best to save money, and maybe even find great bargains and coupons and share them with you guys :)

Working on Improving my Drawing Skills

I have been drawing my whole life, but I never really take time to work on my skills and improve them. This is difficult for me because I am never motivated enough to learn new techniques and go out of my comfort zone but I hope that I will be motivated enough this year to do it! 。◕‿◕。

So those are my goals! I'm going to work hard this year to complete them, and good luck to all of you with new year resolutions! You can do it!! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ


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